Friendly Partner
Without our Partners friends the goals would not be accessible
Our Major Partner
DataDigital - is a provider of IT services and informational assistance that help companies transform their technologies, operations and the provision of services to solve business solutions.
Combining rich experience, a full cycle of storage services and an integrated approach to creating IT innovations that provide positive results for business, DataDigital ensures success in IT cloud transformation, next-generation technologies and security.

We all need each other

The future of humankind isn't exclusively in the hands of politicians, of great leaders, of big companies. Yes, they do hold an enormous responsibility. But the future is, most of all, in the hands of those people who recognize the other as a "you" and themselves as part of an "us." We all need each other.
Pope Francis

Our Partners


We publish the logo or name/names of our partners on our website and in promotional materials. We refer to partner support in our news policy and mention this in all our press releases.

As part of our project, we organize some analytic campaigns for the partners in the areas of analysis of statistical data of our platform users: activity, demography, geography.

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